Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving, Y'all!

"Thank you, God, for gift of life. The more I respect my body, the more care & attention to my total health and well being" Colleen Zuck. Daily Word for Weight Loss: Spiritual Guidance to Give You Courage on Your Journey -Colleen Zuck, Elaine Meyer  
Ever so appreciative for this healthy body...Got up earlier and worked it out hard with Kri Chay at Urban HIIT FITT this morning! The workout was a mix of high intensity, interval moves. We squatted, lunged, kettlebelled, ran, and so much more. 
And best of all, instead of charging a fee for the workout...he had us donate cans of food!


Style4Curves said...

Looking forward to reading your blog posts I just recently got back in the gym for health purposes as well

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

Thank you! No better time to start then now!