Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weigh-in Results

Week 1 – 7/16 - 157.6

Week 2 - 7/21 - 155.0

Week 3 - 7/30 - 154.6

Week 4 - 8/8 - 150.6

Week 5 - 8/11 - 151.0

Week 6 - 8/18 - 151.0

Week 7 - 9/1 - 149.0

Week 8 - 9/8 - 147.4

Although, I weigh myself everyday....I don't write it down. So I asked me nutrionist to email my progress.

In black and write, it seems so easy. Each week - progress is made. The weighs-in results don't show the struggle. It doesn't reveal the hours spent working out, reading health and fitness articles, planning menus and tracking meals. It doesn't reveal every coke refused, french fries skipped, timarisu un-ordered. That plateau felt never ending.

Lesson Learned: Write your weight progress down regularly.

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