Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Please Help: Weight Loss Sabotage....

Hi Friends...

Do you think it's easier or harder to lose weight if your single???

I was recently contacted by a doctoral candidate who is doing research on weightloss. Specifically, she's looking at whether a spouse or partner can hurt weight loss and healthy living attempts.
To quote her..."while it's hard losing weight on your own, it's not necessarily easier with a spouse or partner.  Sometimes partners/spouses undermine weight loss through acts like complaining about healthier food, gifting high-caloric foods, or even through abusive language/acts.  I'm creating an anonymous, online survey to assess for partner undermining and to learn more from those who experience it.  To be eligible to take the survey, participants need to have experienced this in their current relationship (of at least the past 2 years), and have been participating in a weight loss program for the past 5 consecutive weeks.  For more info, you can check out http://tinyurl.com/Clark-Study or Google PUBS-WL ."

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff:, an obesity doctor, also wrote about it here, http://www.weightymatters.ca/2011/11/is-your-spouse-sabotaging-your-weight.html?m=1.Some interesting blog post by the doctor! Worth checking out...

So please take the survey if it applies and spread the word about the survey as it could be an important study to help health care professionals better understand their patients' barriers to weight loss.

Questions about the study reach out to Amanda Harp -aharp@clarku.edu.


Anonymous said...

This definitely applies to me. I'll be looking I to the survey tonight!

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

I'm single. But about a year ago, my sister and my nephew moved in with me. I can definitely see how it could be harder to keep up healthy eating and exercise with a partner who just wasn't as interested/motivated as you. They don't eat as healthy as I do...It's a lot easier when you keep certain foods out of the house...I can only imagine what it would be like if you were with a partner who was downright unsupportive or actively sabotaging you...