Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Does This Blog Make Us Look Fat? Highlight

If You Ate Too Much On Vacation

Gain a little weight on vacation? No you didn’t. Here’s some denial affirmations to tell yourself.

1. It’s not fat it’s sand trapped in my suit.
2. It’s not fat it’s my new necklace made of shells.
3. Since it’s on my back and I can’t see it it doesn’t exist, thus, it’s not fat.
4. It’s not fat it’s “carry on” luggage. It will store underneath my seat conveniently out of sight.
5. I gained muscle from all the walking.
6. It’s not fat it’s the happiness and contentment I found on vacation that I’ve crammed into my soul.
7. My body is still on Pacific Time and my scale is on Eastern Standard so it’s just a 3 pound time difference.
8. It’s not official weight gain until one week AFTER vacation ends.
9. It’s still cold here so I need the extra weight for warmth.
10. The scale calls it three extra pounds, I call it a souvenir


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