Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dear Self...

Now that we are back to a healthy, happy weight; an optimized workout routine - cardio and strength - varied and challenging most days of the week; better balanced healthy eating....

Please remember:

1) Losing Weight Takes Time & Effort -- So, Reduce Small Gains To Minimize Time & Effort

You first read about this in Refuse to Regain and Thin for Life. Weight gain is a part of life. A new job, a vacation, a series of wedding celebrations, an injury, and a myriad of other options can cause a change in your schedule for working out or you plans for healthy eating. You learned not to let the 5 pounds become 10 become 15 and then 20. Things can quickly get out of hand.

You've limited that to no more than 5 to 10 pounds last year. But, even 5 pounds takes works.10 pounds all the more. You refuse to do anything losing 10 pounds in 7 days is not an option for you. 10 pounds at a half a pound to two pounds a week takes 5 weeks to 5 months.

Reduce the gains...Stick close to your happy, healthy weight range - 135 to 137.

2) You feel better. strong. proud. beautiful. fit. healthy. confident. unstoppable.

Speaking of your healthy, happy weight- 135 to 137. You feel good at this weight. Really good. Please don't forget. You like your how clothes fit and you have plenty of options in your closet. You have an extra pep in your step.

You like how far you can run, how fast you can do it, how high you jump. You love teaching Zumba. You find new ways to challenge yourself physically with different workouts and you love how that feels. Keep pushing yourself to stay at this weight, activity level, and endurance level - if not, better.

You feel better. strong. proud. beautiful. fit. healthy. confident. unstoppable.

3) Keep your spirit healthy. Keep your mind healthy. Keep your body healthy.

  No need to elaborate.

4) It All Comes Together

Somewhere around week 14 of the renewed focused of the latest leg of this healthy journey, you looked in the mirror and saw results you were pleased with. You had expected them around week 6. You had a similar experience when you first started this thing years ago.

The sweat, the time, the devotion - it pays off.  It all comes together. Eating healthily - fruits, veggies,  whole grains, and dairy - it becomes second nature. Working out - lifting weights and various cardio routines - you just keep getting stronger and better. You just have to take some time & sweat a little each day. Day after day turns into week after week. Weeks to months. Month after month turns to year after year. It pays off.

So, each day do something that gets you all the bit further down this health and fitness road.

If you find yourself, losing motivation - forgetting your focus - out of balance, read this note and remember....


Kimberly said...

Sometimes we just need to take a moment to remind ourselves of this. Great post!

**And I love the new blog layout, btw**

Papi's Girl said...

Great post. :)

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

@ Kim - Thank you & Thank you!!!!

@ PG - Thank you!!!

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

@ Kim - Thank you & Thank you!!!!

@ PG - Thank you!!!

MS. Bad Mama Jama said...

@ Kim - Thank you & Thank you!!!!

@ PG - Thank you!!!