Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ms. Bad Mama Jama

No....I'm not one yet...

This blog will record my journey to getting in shape.

A little about me....I'm 5'2 and 155 lbs. My goal weight is 130 - 135 lbs.

I grew up in an family that encouraged healthy eating & physical activity. Growing up I ran track and played volleyball & basketball. In college, I stayed active...walking (I didn't have a car so I walked everywhere); participated in intramurals....flag football, soccer, basketball; and dancing...ballroom, swing, and salsa. My weight fluxed between 115 - 125 depending on how active I was....usually towards the latter.

I slowed down on my activity and healthy eating in my last year of grad school. I slowly put on weight, by graduation I had put on 10 pounds. I weighed 135 lbs.

I started a new job in corporate america shortly after graduation. It started with a 3 month intense training program (9 to 5 five days a week). To keep us occuppied & focused & energized on the training, we were provided with cookies, candy, sodas, and other sweets. We often had dinners out. Sitting on my butt for 3 months & eating tons of sweets soon took its toll....I gained ten more pounds.

I kept slowly gaining weight til I hit a whole new high....156 lbs! That was the winter of '05. I'll never forget what got me to make a change...We were celebrating at my cousin's wedding reception. When an older family friend commented to my mother (in clear earshot of me - she was just two chairs away) that I had put on weight. I tried my best to keep it together, but I was devasted. I left shortly after and cried and cried. The next day...I hit the gym and started to eat better. It took months & months to drop the weight, but I did it. It wasn't until the spring of 2007 that I got finally got back to 130 lbs to 135 lbs.

I slowly put back on 5 pounds then 10. That lasted for about a year and half. Sometimes dropping 5 pounds, but never getting lower than 140. I steadily and slowly kept putting back on weight....this time I hit an whole new high...160 lbs (that was about 10 weeks ago)!

Well, I'm working my way back to being healthy! I think blogging will get a good for me...It'll help me keep better track of my progress & it'll give me another place to vent about my weight loss journey (my inner circle is sick to death of hearing about it).

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